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Meditation – A Beginner’s Guide

We all know just how stressful everyday life can be, and we know just how dangerous stress can be – meditation can help you solve this issue. Stress is often referred to as the ‘silent killer’ as it can’t be seen, can affect us at any time, and can lead to other chronic health issues that affect people physically and mentally.  


While we can’t always avoid or prevent stress, we can battle stress in numerous ways, and meditation is one of them. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. It promotes mindfulness, self awareness, and helps people live in the present.


Getting into meditation as a beginner can be daunting to begin with, which is why we’ve compiled the following. Here is the ultimate beginner’s guide to meditation.


Different types of meditation


The great thing about meditation is the fact that there are so many different types to choose from. Here are some of the more prominent examples.


Transcendental meditation


Transcendental meditation was created to help induce deep feelings of calm, relaxation, and even tranquillity while quieting the mind in the process.


This is a silent mantra meditation created in India in the 1950s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Experts recommend practicing TM twice per day, for around 15 – 20 minutes per session.


Mindfulness meditation


Mindfulness meditation has Buddhist origins and is all about being in touch with your mind, and aware of your feelings and your thoughts. Rather than reacting to these thoughts, mindfulness meditation is instead all about observing them.


With mindfulness meditation, you need to be alert, yet relaxed simultaneously. It’s all about living in the present and learning how to prevent negative thoughts and concerns about what might happen, from affecting you mentally.


Visualization meditation


Visualization meditation promotes feelings of relaxation, calmness, peace, and motivation. It is all about visualizing positive scenarios and images in your mind.


With visualization meditation you will vividly picture a scene in your mind in as much detail as possible, with the help of all 5 of your senses. This could be anything, from you losing weight and picturing yourself at your target weight, to you getting that promotion at work that you’ve wanted for so long. From a less materialistic standpoint, you could simply visualize yourself happy.


Not only can visualization boost your mood and help you to relax by keeping the mind engaged, it can also serve as a great motivational tool.


Simple meditation tips for beginners


If you’re new to meditation but are eager to get started, here are several simple meditation tips for beginners.


Focus on your breathing


Regardless of what type of meditation you practice, breathing is so, so important.


Always be sure to take deep breaths, making sure to regulate your breathing patterns.


Create a routine


Routine while meditating is so important. Rather than meditating when time permits, or when you’re in the mood, instead, set a specific time of day aside dedicated solely to meditation.


Create a comfortable space


Whether it’s in the garden on the grass, in a home gym, in a bedroom, a garden cabin, or in a spare room dedicated solely to meditating, make sure to meditate in comfortable surroundings.


Set up a clean, cluttered, relaxing space that makes you feel happy and safe. This will be the place the majority of your meditation will get done.

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